Monday, July 16, 2012

Farron Cousins | Romney, Obama Surrogates Spar Over Energy Policy
On the major issue of climate change, both spokespeople told us that their candidate believes in climate change, and that they both agree that global initiatives are needed to mitigate its effects. But that's simply lip service until proven otherwise.
Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: yet the msm does the biddi
yet the msm does the bidding of climate clowns by simply trying to one up how bad it is, with no reference to the facts on how bad it was
Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: guys like Blakemore run to
guys like Blakemore run to someone that is clueless on actual past weather to bolster their agenda driven drivel, having no idea about facts
Twitter / AndrewSimms_nef: An entire debate @BBCr4tod
An entire debate @BBCr4today on aviation expansion & no reference to climate change. Like discussing need for more bank deregulation in 2006
Snow could offset global warming in Antarctica |
Increased snowfall in Antarctica could offset the future impact of global warming on the continent, according to research carried out by a French team
EDITORIAL: Uncle Sam's solar eclipse - Washington Times
As much of the nation broils under the merciless July sun, the Obama administration can’t resist the urge to burn cash on “green” energy projects. Each time one of these solar-energy firms flames out, American taxpayers get singed. Even a sundial would indicate it’s quitting time.

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