Monday, July 16, 2012

New Zealand:  Climate Agency Taken To Court, Accused Of Data Manipulation
"We're not saying climate change doesn't exist. We're saying let's at least make sure that evidence of this for New Zealanders is accurate," trust lawyer Terry Sissons told the court today.

He challenged the way Niwa had adjusted temperatures recorded at stations, which he said were moved half a degree downwards on average in early readings.

The results had significantly affected the overall upwards rise in temperature, said Mr Sissons.

"Is that valid that you can expose a trend, simply by pushing down the readings in the early part to make them colder? Then when you compare them to the modern ones you get a steep increase."
Endangered Snow Leopard Habitat Threatened by Climate Change, WWF Study Shows | Virtual-Strategy Magazine
According to the study, warmer and wetter conditions in the Himalayas will likely result in forests ascending into alpine areas, the snow leopards’ preferred habitat.
SA's cold snap turns deadly
Five people were killed as snowfall and heavy rainfall battered parts of the country at the weekend.
Texas Tall Tales and Global Warming | Watts Up With That?
This is only one if series of weak global warming scare articles. My own sensitivity to the issue came five years ago when certain folks (including a coauthor of the Texas article) were hyping that global warming was resulting in the rapid loss of the Cascade snowpack (which has not declined in 30 years by the way). These folks think they are doing society a favor by hyping global warming impacts now and in the past. They aren’t. Most of the impacts of global warming due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas increases are in the future and society will not believe us if you cry wolf now.

This work will only hammer the credibility of the scientific community at a time when society needs to be taking global warming seriously.

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