Saturday, July 07, 2012

Hockey stick found?: "The most striking result is the increase in the proportion of Americans who express strong doubt or rejection of the reality of global warming through their free associations"

Daily Disruption – More Americans Associate Global Warming With Naysayer Imagery

The most striking result is the increase in the proportion of Americans who express strong doubt or rejection of the reality of global warming through their free associations.  In 2003, only 7% of Americans provided ‘naysayer’ images (e.g., ‘hoax,’ or ‘no such thing’) when asked what thought or image first came to mind when they heard the term ‘global warming.’

By 2010, however, 23% of Americans provided ‘naysayer’ images...

...As a policy priority, however, global warming has always been lower than other economic and social issues.

For example, in 2009 the Pew Research Center found that only 30% of Americans said that global warming should be a top priority for the new president, compared to 85% who said strengthening the economy should be a top priority. 

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