Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Op-Ed: Global Warming heat melts away 'denialism'

For the naysayers, it should be enough to learn that there are tell-tale irrefutable scientific evidences that show the planet we inhabit is warming...NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Academy, for instance, has estimated that the average temperature has climbed 1.4 degrees Farenheit (0.8 degree C) since 1880.

Climate was HOTTER in Roman, medieval times than now: Study • The Register

If it is the case that actually the climate has often been warmer without any significant CO2 emissions having taken place - suggesting that CO2 emissions simply aren't that important - the case for huge efforts to cut those emissions largely disappears.

Upton & Stearns Introduce “No More Solyndras Act”

Legislation Will Ensure Taxpayers Are Never Again Left on the Hook for the Administration’s Risky Bets

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