Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Time warmist Bryan Walsh after a warm spell in DC: "Here's what we should take away from the heat: climate change is real and it's happening now...it's long past time to surrender to the science"; he also calculates that Feb. 2010 was a year and a half ago

Now Do You Believe in Global Warming? - TIME

Back in February of 2010, Senator James Inhofe's grandchildren built an igloo for Al Gore...Fast-forward a year and a half. The weather in Washington is extreme again, but this time it's brutally hot

...Here's what we should take away from the heat: climate change is real and it's happening now. We can disagree about how to handle it, and how much those policies might cost, but it's long past time to surrender to the science. Perhaps this year of extreme heat will help shake loose the forces blocking climate change action, though judging from the near-complete absence of global warming as an issue on the Presidential campaign trail, that hasn't happened yet. It had better happen soon. We're living in an igloo in the summertime, and the ice is melting all around us. Time to face facts.

Bryan Walsh | TIME.com

I'm a senior writer for TIME magazine, covering energy and the environment—and also, occasionally, scary diseases. Previously I was the Tokyo bureau chief for TIME, and reported from Hong Kong on health, the environment and the arts. I live in Brooklyn.

1 comment:

Alex Cull said...

That's a new one - "surrender to the science" reminds me of something I heard once in Star Trek:

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender to the science! We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."