Monday, July 30, 2012

This one will prove to be a big winner, am I right?: Federal government agrees to bet $7 million of taxpayer money on "the Steve Jobs of manure"?

Cow manure is focus of biofuel research -
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a coalition of state firms have been awarded $7 million for bioenergy research that would use a manure byproduct to produce ethanol at a dairy farm in Manitowoc County.

The funding was awarded by the U.S. Energy and Agriculture departments through their joint biomass research-and-development initiative.

"We are going to change agriculture and the dairy industry in Wisconsin," said Aicardo Roa Espinosa, founder of Soil Net LLC, a biological systems technology firm that has earned patents for its polymer research and development.
"Our idea is to put a small refinery on a dairy farm," said Roa Espinosa...
The key to the technology are the polymer formulas Roa Espinosa invented to enable the separation of the leftovers from the anaerobic digestion process into a variety of other useful fibers - some for fuel and others for fertilizer.

"I call him the Steve Jobs of manure," said Cox.

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