Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Columbia Journalism Review blogger: "Journalists need to force the candidates to debate climate policy"

Candidates clam up on climate : CJR
The public might show more concern if the presidential candidates would only debate climate policy, or if the media could get them to do so, Drexel University sociologist Robert Brulle suggested in post for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. In a recent study, Brulle and his colleagues found that statements by “elite” figures were the largest single factor influencing how much people worry about climate change.
The reporters who’ve called out Obama and Romney for clamming up are doing what they can. In late July, The New York Times launched a campaign blog called The Agenda, which has made “the planet” one if its core issues. In a post about the “climate and energy stalemate,” reporter John Broder explained that the paper “hopes to jump-start a discussion” over the next couple of months.

That’s exactly the right attitude. Journalists need to force the candidates to debate climate policy, and they should continue to shame them for their silence as long as they refuse.

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