Sunday, August 05, 2012

Left-winger Paul Ehrlich: "Proof that science can't influence "Republicans" Christy and Pielke -- no IQ "warming" there..."

Twitter / PaulREhrlich: Proof that science can't ...
Proof that science can't influence "Republicans" Christy and Pielke -- no IQ "warming" there.
Twitter / PaulREhrlich: Republican room-temperature ...
Republican room-temperature IQs (Celsius) demonstrably not rising, low as ever, no sign of human impact.
Paul R. Ehrlich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By training he is an entomologist
Flashback:  Ehrlich’s lifetime of hot air « Hot Air
in a 1969 article, “Eco-Catastrophe!”, he predicted that by the end of the century the population of the US would be under 20 million, and our life expectancy would be around 40 years – due not to starvation, but to pesticides.

1 comment:

Robert Austin said...

The time honored stereotype of the brilliant but clueless professor pictures him as armed with butterfly net and gamboling through the meadows. Ehrlich still figuratively bears his butterfly net as he bloviates on subjects remote from things entomological.