Sunday, August 05, 2012

Michael Mann criticizes Muller's detection and attribution work, but that raises another question: How many scientists have done their own detection and attribution work?

We were constantly told that thousands of IPCC scientists agreed that carbon dioxide was the major driver of global warming.   I don't know if that was ever true, even at the peak of the global warming hoax several years ago, but here's my question:  What percentage of the believer scientists did their own independent detection and attribution work, and what percentage of believer scientists just assumed that someone else had correctly done this work?

Michael Mann | Facebook
Muller has ignored decades of more careful work by other scientists. His curve fitting approach is similar to the sort of exercises I have my undergraduate students do, and pales by comparison to the more careful and far more robust detection & attribution approaches used for years by folks like Ben Santer, Gabi Hegerl, Peter Stott, and others.

1 comment:

Mrs. EntryReqrd said...

The 77 of the 79 self-identifying 'climate scientists' out of the pool of more than 10,000 scientists were never asked that question. I always wonder what the heck were the two scientists that believed that the earth has not warmed since the end of the little ice age were thinking about.... -Paul