Friday, September 07, 2012

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds another mechanism by which the Sun controls climate
A paper published today in the Journal of Geophysical Research describes an additional mechanism by which small changes in solar activity are amplified to cause climate change. According to the authors, the "mechanism describes how solar UV changes can lead to a significant enhancement of the small initial signal and corresponding changes in stratospheric dynamics", which in combination with a natural atmospheric circulation, the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, causes a "significant ocean response," alterations of the Southern Annular Mode, wind anomalies, and deviations in ocean currents. The IPCC dismisses the Sun as a cause of recent climate change by assuming solar activity is a constant [the "solar constant" or TSI], and by ignoring amplifying factors on solar activity such as clouds, sunshine hours, ozone, large changes in solar UV within and between solar cycles, and the mechanism described by this new paper.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds climate models are unable to simulate effects of large volcanic eruptions
A paper published today in the Journal of Geophysical Research finds that current climate models are unable to simulate the climate following large volcanic eruptions, a major cause of natural climate variability. According to the authors, the paper confirms others with the same findings and "raises concern for the ability of current climate models to simulate the response of a major mode of [climate change]."
Some more psychologizing about climate skepticism
The writer is a psychologist, which makes it no surprise that he is a paid up member of the Green/Left. So it is also no surprise that he himself does exactly what he says not to do.

For starters, I was amused by this at the head of his article: "John Cook does not work for, consult to, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has no relevant affiliations." We also read: "John Cook, Climate Communication Fellow at University of Queensland". So he is paid to promote Warmism but that does not bias him? Let me guess that if he were to become a skeptic he would be out on his ear in no time flat.

The essence of his article however is that skeptics cherry pick the evidence whereas noble souls like him do not. Let me mention a couple of cherries that he seems to miss.
The New Nostradamus of the North: Obama tries to take credit for the shale gas revolution
there is no evidence that Obama administration policy has had anything to do with the American shale gas revolution. On the contrary. It is obvious that Obama´s embrace of shale gas is only a tactical move in order to help him in the re-election campaign

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