Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nobel Mann Takes On Revolting Peasants - By Mark Steyn - The Corner - National Review Online
So, in that sense, yes, indeed, he “was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize”. Phew. For a moment, I was worried he might be exaggerating a bit – bending the curve upwards, so to speak.

In the same spirit, I see that I’ve just been awarded the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize. Under Ireland’s citizenship law, I’m an Irish national (through my father). Ireland is a member of the European Union. The EU has just been given the Nobel Peace Prize. QED. Come to think of it, my mother’s Belgian, so I’ve been awarded two Nobel Peace Prizes.

I defer to the expertise of my colleague Jay Nordlinger in these matters, but I believe this will be an historic trial: the first time one Nobel Peace Prize winner has sued another Nobel Peace Prize winner – at least until Obama sues Rigoberta Menchu over who’s got the fakest fake memoir. I’ll bring my Nobel medal if Dr Mann brings his.
Inherit the Wind Farm – Mann made global hilarity at Catallaxy Files
A hoax? Manipulating data? What an idea! The discovery process will be absolutely fantastic. It will be our modern version of the Scopes trial. Kind of like Inherit the Wind Farm. This may be the biggest mistake in going to court since Oscar Wilde.

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