Tuesday, October 16, 2012

PJ Media » Uncritically, Media Accepts Misleading Global Warming Poll
In several places in the report, the authors treat “climate change” and “global warming” as synonyms. They are not. Climate change includes many factors, including cooling — and it is cooling, not warming, that is thought to result in increased extreme weather.

Regardless, asking respondents to judge the veracity of statements about which most would know almost nothing makes little sense. The relationship between global warming and extreme weather is a topic of intense research among climate scientists who do not really know what, if any, connection exists.
Climate Politics: It's Laugh Lines Vs. 'Not A Joke' | WBUR & NPR
Scientists [All of them?] view climate change as one of the world's most pressing long-term problems.
“Once Ice Cube Mann” Now Uses September Arctic Ice As A Proxy For Global Temperature | Real Science
“One tree Briffa” and “one ice cube Mann” should team up to explain the increase in Antarctic ice.
Obama parries Romney on latest green bankruptcy - The Hill's E2-Wire
Romney slammed Obama Tuesday over the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing by A123, a company that has received $132 million in grant funding under the 2009 stimulus law, calling it part of a “disastrous strategy of gambling away billions of taxpayer dollars.”

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