Thursday, March 14, 2013

Climategate hero speaks; releases email cache | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
This may lead to more revelations of the groupthinking, bullying and manipulation of evidence than were exposed by the original leaking of emails of the scientists most involved in devising the great warming scare
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Author admits the blade of the new bogus hockey-stick is not statistically significant
In an email to Steve McIntyre, the author of the new bogus hockey stick admits the primary finding of the paper, the alleged rapid rise of temperature from 1890-1950 is "probably not robust." Translation: it is not statistically significant and the hyped press releases from the authors are not scientifically nor statistically valid.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New bogus hockey stick paper shows linear greenhouse forcing over past 7000 years
The new Marcott et al bogus hockey stick paper contains a graph showing that alleged radiative forcing from greenhouse gases has been increasing at a linear rate for more than 7,000 years, more than 98% of which was before the invention of the automobile. Human emissions cannot possibly be responsible for a linear increase in greenhouse gas 'forcing' over the past 7,000+ years. In addition, the paper shows that solar activity at the end of the 20th century was near the highest levels of the past 9,000 years.
Snow Bombards Moscow - Drivers Urged to Use Public Transportation
Such heavy snowfall occurs in March only once every 50 years.

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