Thursday, March 14, 2013

LA Times - Phoenix's too hot future
A few decades hence, after the climate screws have tightened with excruciating force, don't be surprised if the drivers steering U-Hauls out of town are spurred along as much by discord as by drought.
Warmer climate boosts northern crops but the bad soon outweighs the good
Within a couple of decades, the benefits of warmer growing conditions and increased carbon dioxide concentrations would be quickly outweighed by declining rainfall and heat stress on grain quality, he said.
Twitter / clim8resistance: There's an irony, isn't there, ...
There's an irony, isn't there, in blowing $1.5m on a film about how some rich people distort the climate debate.
Peter Foster: Deranged science, perverse policy | FP Comment | Financial Post
Canadians play a significant, if not always noble, part in Mr. Darwall’s story, although there is no doubting the heroic stature of Stephen McIntyre, the semi-retired mathematical wiz whose dogged investigations, along with those of academic Ross McKitrick, led to the exposure of the iconic “hockey stick” temperature graph, which was embraced for its political usefulness rather than its scientific accuracy. Mr. Darwall does a thorough job of explaining the massive, but still largely unrecognized, scandal of the related Climategate emails.

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