Monday, March 18, 2013

Earth warming faster | Warmist Phil Plait
Global warming is real. Let’s get that out of the way right at the start. Climatologist Michael Mann’s bombshell study from years back created the “hockey stick” graph, showing that in the past century, the Earth’s overall temperature spiked, like a case of planetary flu.

This study was immediately attacked by climate change deniers, who continue to flail away at it today. It has withstood these attacks, and is no longer seriously doubted by scientists who actually study the climate.
Twitter / RichardTol: Climate change will make us ...
Climate change will make us more like to believe in some god
Warming Theory Doused!! World Leading Meteorologist: “Climate Is In Fact Warming Much Slower Than Anticipated”
Hans von Storch’s blogsite Klimazwiebel has a good excellent article written by one of the world’s leading meteorologists, Lennart Bengtsson, who writes that the alarmist hype needs to be toned down, and that the problem of energy be taken more seriously.
Seeing Polar Bears | NoFrakkingConsensus
Most polar bear info is filtered through an activist lens. Here are some alternative views.

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