Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Shock: Climate change a 'mixed bag' for Pacific Island fisheries and aquaculture
(Phys.org) —An international, multidisciplinary team of scientists have combined their expertise to make projections for the future of tropical Pacific fisheries and aquaculture in the 21st century. Their research suggests that predicted climate change in the region will create winners and losers in both fisheries and aquaculture, requiring adaptation by many Pacific Island nations.
Blog: Hypocrisy, thy name is Al Gore
Pseudo climatologist, failed media entrepreneur, Oscar winner, Nobel Peace Prize recipient, certified one half of one per cent member, former Democratic vice president of the United States and almost president, Al Gore is concerned as only a liberal/progressive could be.

Two months after raking in $100,000,000 from the sale of his unwatched (non) Current television network to the foreign Muslim owners of alJazeera, man about town Gore tweeted

    @algore Income inequality is an increasingly dangerous problem in our country...
Climate Change Is Making Canada Look More Like the United States - John Metcalfe - The Atlantic Cities
A huge portion of the country, roughly equal to the area of the entire United States, is sprouting thick, luscious new coats of trees and bushland.
Recent 2 Months U.S. Temperature trend/decade: – 11.3 F COOLER in 100 years | UD/RK Samhälls Debatt
The trend for 1990 to 2013 is - 0.56 F / Decade

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