Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wait, what?!: Greenpeace chief Kumi Naidoo says "When the environment changes, smart creatures adapt" and calls for the "necessary extinction" of the carbon [dioxide?] dinosaurs

So now he's admitting that "smart creatures" can adapt to change?  Where's the part about attempting to prevent any changes, because otherwise the world might become a lifeless fireball?
Necessary Extinction
LONDON, Mar 11 2013 (IPS) - When the environment changes, smart creatures adapt. And, in the face of a changing climate and changing economics, smart people are backing green energy. In 2011 almost a third of new electricity came from renewable sources. But, just as the first mammals had to contend with a world of dinosaurs, the pioneers of green energy have to contend with a world based on an obsolete carbon-based energy system that refuses to upgrade.
...And, it falls on every citizen to demand the extinction of the carbon dinosaurs.

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