Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Massive Tornado Hits Oklahoma Killing At Least 91, Is There a Link to Climate Change? | Democracy Now!
For years some climate scientists have been warning of a link between stronger tornadoes and climate change.
Enviro Mocks: We can’t yet blame climate for deadly Oklahoma tornados so we’ll blame denier Sarah Palin | JunkScience.com
What a twisted cult of creeps.
Salon: Don’t cry climate-change wolf — for now | JunkScience.com
For now, blaming the Moore, Okla., tornado on global warming is bad science and bad politics.”
U.S. Must Cut Climate Pollutants | RealClearPolitics
Poet T.S. Eliot famously wrote that “April is the cruelest month,” but this May could be the scariest because of a recent cascade of alarming news about climate change.
The United States must promptly implement significant measures to slash its carbon and other pollutants to slow the impact of future climate change. Otherwise, we face a future with many cruel Aprils, scary Mays, and frightening months the rest of the year too due to climate change.

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