Monday, May 06, 2013

Settled science: CO2 is going to make ocean waves smaller, and bigger; smaller waves are bad news because the surfing will be ruined, and bigger waves are bad news because coastal areas will be destroyed

Global Warming Is Going to Ruin Surfing: The Average Wave Is Set to Shrink 25% | Motherboard
[Warmist Brian Merchant] In the future, surfing is going to suck. New research from Australia's national science agency reveals that thanks to warming waters, the height of ocean waves is poised to shrink, on average, by about 25 percent. That would shave at least few crucial feet off the waves in most of the top surfing spots around the world.
2008: Surfers, Rejoice: Some Extreme Waves Getting Bigger | Wired Science |
If it is linked with global climate change, rising sea levels could combine with increasingly big waves to wreak havoc on coastal areas around the middle-latitudes where the wave height effect seems to be strongest.
2012: Will Climate Change Wipe Out Surfing? -
“The frequency where you have the exact right combination of tide, wind, and swell to make a classic surf day are going to be fewer and further between,” said David Revell, a senior associate with the environmental hydrology firm Phillip Williams and Associates.

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