Monday, May 06, 2013

There And Back Again: Talk Focuses On Climate Change -
Mann and other IPCC authors received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
The worlds biggest solar PV seller was worth $13bn: now bankrupt « JoNova
How is the hallowed Green tech industry working out for China? Not so well.

Shi Zhengrong was called a “hero of the environment” by Time Magazine. He was a billionaire who ran the worlds largest seller of solar PV cells. But the glory days of 2008 – 2011 are gone. Another bubble bursts. Wiped out in two years. How fast was this fall?
“Climate science” now hunting for cooling effects – and finds the brightness of clouds | The k2p blog
How is it that – for a settled science – all these new “cooling” mechanisms are suddenly being found? Could it have something to do with trying to rescue climate models which have failed to predict the slowdown in global warming? “Climate science” is now hunting for previously unidentified cooling effects to explain the warming that has not happened.
Climate skeptics view environmental activism as greater threat than global warming «
Put another way, the anti-energy, anti-military directives attached to global warming policies are now much more of a national security threat than the nebulous claims about the effects of global warming, which a growing number of scientists now question.
Consensus and controversy | Climate Etc.
In open societies where both scientists and the general public are equipped with critical skills and the tools of inquiry, not least enabled by the information revolution provided through the Internet, the ethos of science as open, questioning, critical and anti-dogmatic should and can be defended also by the public at large. Efforts to make people bow uncritically to the authority of a dogmatic representation of Science, seems largely to produce ridicule, opposition and inaction, and ultimately undermines the legitimacy and role of both science and politics in open democracies.

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