A Silent Hurricane Season Adds Fuel to a Debate Over Global Warming | TIME.com
The truth is that scientists aren’t really sure why there hasn’t been a hurricane yet this season, nor do they know why an intense hurricane — Category 3, 4, 5 — hasn’t made landfall in the U.S. since Wilma all the way back in 2005.Argentina 2013/14 soy harvest seen at record 53-54 million tonnes - Newsroom - Ag Professional
Argentina's upcoming 2013/14 soy crop is seen reaching a record 53 million to 54 million tonnes, boosted by a larger planting area and favorable climate, experts in the South American grains powerhouse said.West Nile Virus-Carrying Mosquitoes Affected By Climate Change - Science News - redOrbit
The findings, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), revealed that under the future climate conditions predicted by climate change models, many locations will see a lengthening of the mosquito season but shrinking summer mosquito populations. These changes will be due to hotter and dryer conditions allowing fewer larvae to survive.Terrifying Flat Global Temperature Crisis Threatens To Disrupt U.N. Climate Conference Agenda - Forbes
Bummer! Now, just before members of the U.N.’s Church of the Burning Planet are scheduled to finalize their latest hellfire and brimstone sermon, a chilling development has occurred. A flood of blasphemous reports circulated among ranks of former faithful parishioners are challenging human-caused climate crisis theology.
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