Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Bay Area Spare The Air Alert On Christmas Eve, Wood Burning Banned « CBS San Francisco
It sounds Scrooge-like to tell residents they can’t gather around the fire during the holidays, but air quality officials are asking people to keep in mind the reasons for the ban and realize that it’s not just the air district saying, “Bah, humbug!”

“We’re not picking these days for the fun of it or anything, it completely has to do with the science behind air pollution,” he said.
“Indisputable” That Jim And Phil Are Cheating | Real Science
In 1979, it was “indisputable” that there had been 1ºF cooling since WWII, and that global cooling was causing extreme weather, drought, famine ……
1977 : Meteorologists Said That Climate Scientists Aren’t Real Scientists | Real Science

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