Saturday, October 29, 2005

Ivory-billed Woodpecker/Grand Prairie complaint

Here's a small new article about the Grand Prairie Irrigation Project and the ivory-bill. Here's part of the article:

LITTLE ROCK — Two environmental groups asked a federal judge Friday to halt the Grand Prairie Irrigation Project, claiming that two federal agencies didn't take a close enough look at the project's possible effect on the recently rediscovered ivory-billed woodpecker.

The National Wildlife Federation and the Arkansas Wildlife Federation have used the bird before as an argument for stopping the project, a plan to use water from the White River to irrigate farms in eastern Arkansas.

This complaint is on the NWF website. I found this part interesting:

25. On August 2, 2005, FWS acknowledged in the New York Times that experts had detected several ivory bills in the White River National Wildlife Refuge, in addition to the bird that had been detected in the Cache River refuge in 2004. These birds’ existence was confirmed with sound recordings made over many months.
(I added the bold font above).