Sunday, November 27, 2005

Baltimore Sun/LA Times Ivory-bill stories

1. The Los Angeles Times published a short article today on the Ivory-bill:
And here in Monroe County, where a quarter of residents live in poverty, merchants stocked up on bird-related souvenirs and waited for tourists.

But with fresh sightings of the ivory-bill yet to be confirmed, "we're still waiting for the tourist part," hairdresser Penny Childs said.
Not everyone is convinced that the bird exists, believing that the blurry video actually shows the pileated variety.

"It's absolutely necessary to get a better video, a clear still shot, sightings that are irrefutable," Mallard [Larry, manager of the White River National Wildlife Refuge] said. "If that were to happen or let's say you found a roost tree, you'd see the kind of interest you've never seen before.

"It would show that Elvis is in the building."
2. The Baltimore Sun also published a small Ivory-bill article today, which talks about a recent trip to Bayou DeView by Jerome Jackson. Jackson is identified as "one of the skeptics about the ivory bill sightings":
Seeing a bird is a matter of skill and knowledge and just plain good luck. Professionals can come up empty-handed. Amateurs can make extraordinary finds.

Did those who spotted the Arkansas ivory bills have the right combination? Or did they just see something that they desperately wanted to see?