Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The odd "Grail Bird" timeline

The timeline for Tim Gallagher's critical February 2004 Cache River trip doesn't make sense to me. Gallagher seems to describe about four days of Cache River searching after his Feb 27 sighting, while the official timeline seems to allow for only one day of searching.

Let's start on page 152 of "The Grail Bird", where Harrison and Gallagher saw a flying "Ivory-bill" on February 27, 2004. Below, in red, I've included some additional dates that a reasonable reader might estimate:

The next day (page 155), they floated downstream. After some wood ducks exploded from the water, Harrison pointed far to the rear and to the right:
...he felt certain that it was our bird again, giving us one more tantalizing fly-by. That was all we got that day [Feb 28], and there was nothing the next [Feb 29] or the next [Mar 1]."

On our last day in the swamp [Mar 2], a powerful windstorm came up...Huge limbs creaked and moaned and frequently came crashing down near us, causing an explosion of water... For the entire day, we rarely saw or heard any birds.
Starting on page 159, we see this:
The next morning [Mar 3] we broke camp and headed back to the bridge at Highway 17...Bobby dropped me off at the Memphis airport...I got into Rochester airport about midnight...At 8:30 [am] sharp, I was standing outside his [Fitz'] office [Mar 4].
However, in numerous places on the Internet, we are told that the Gallagher/Fitz meeting actually took place not on March 4 but on Monday, Mar 1.
On March 1, 2004, just 3 days after the sighting, Gallagher arrived sleep deprived and agitated at the office of Cornell lab director John Fitzpatrick.
So how can we reconcile the "reasonable reader" dates above with a March 1 Gallagher/Fitz meeting, which would make Feb 29 a travel day? Could the following four described days actually be just one day (Feb 28) in reality!?: The "one more tantalizing fly-by" day, the two following fruitless days of searching, and the "powerful windstorm" day?

If anyone has a reasonable explanation for all of this, please email me and I'll update this post.

I stumbled onto this "timeline" question after seeing this sentence on page 157 of The Grail Bird:
I hadn't slept for more than an hour each night for several days.
With the Gallagher/Fitz meeting to happen on Mar 1, the above sentence seems to apply to Gallagher as of Feb 28. This could mean that Gallagher was suffering from sleep deprivation during his sighting on Feb 27.