Friday, November 18, 2005

"When will Cornell retract?"

In recent days, I've suddenly seen a number of people expressing different versions of similar thoughts (again please note--when I post other people's words on this blog, it doesn't necessarily imply that I agree with any or all of those words):

Emailer #1:
When do you foresee Cornell retracting their 100% certainty regarding the existence of IBWP's in Arkansas? And what scientist would use a 100% certainty claim in a professional statement!?
Emailer #2:
More and more people are doubting this reported sighting of an Ivory-bill. Some people that I know were 100% convinced that this was the real thing (how could Cornell claim this if it wasn't true?) when it was first anounced now have serious doubts.

How many days, weeks, months without verification need to pass before they admit that there are no Ivory-bills in that area. It's a real dilemma for Cornell, The Nature Conservancy, etc.
Refugeforums poster "stumpy waters" (see previous blog post):
So at the end of this winter, when there is still no proof, is everyone going to settle on the fact that this is a hoax, perhaps file a suit against these "scientists" and Cornell, and repay the taxpayers all the money we've wasted on this?

Look at all the people over there looking for the bird right now... and they still can't find one.