Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ivory-bill/Cougar parallels

A reader emailed me this:
The [Michigan] cougar nonsense is directly responsible for me becoming a "hardened skeptic", as described by others. Blurry videos and photos are stock in trade in the cougar baloney world, so I was instantly suspicious when I saw the ridiculous blurry IBWO video. I know the drill, and the IBWO and cougars in Michigan phenomena follow the same pattern. If you have a broadband connection, and want a good laugh, download their video. How anyone can claim that obvious house cats are cougars is simply beyond me.
I watched the entire video today (even though I have broadband, the transfer rate was very slow, and it took many minutes to download the 17-minute video). Just as in the Ivory-bill situation, you've got grainy footage and some very questionable analysis by "experts".

Those two cats sure look like house cats to me. This analysis seems quite sensible.

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