Friday, December 16, 2005

Silencing the "heretics"

Back in July, the New York Times said this about David Sibley:
He has been reluctant to speak publicly about his doubts, and described doubters as being treated as "heretics" in online discussions.
In the same article, Kenn Kaufman said:
...we could have a more honest discussion if people accept the fact that we don't have proof."
Well, several months have passed, and skeptics are still being treated as heretics in online discussions at BirdForum, which claims to be "The Net's Largest Birding Community Dedicated to Wild Birds".

Here's my evidence:

1. Take a look at this link to BirdForum as of August 4 (I am user hgr389, or "HGR" on BirdForum):

In post #224, a user says:
My thanks to HGR for providing a series of well-thought out and provocative posts, based on quite sound logic.
Ok, so why is this notable? It's notable because, without telling me, someone at BirdForum has deleted my entire series of "well-thought out" posts. (If you're interested, those posts live on in Google's cache--here's an example).

Now, maybe BirdForum folks will try to justify these deletions because I posted links to my blog. That excuse won't wash, however, because to this day, I see plenty of (un-deleted) BirdForum posts that contain links to "believer" Ivory-bill blogs.

2. The Birdforum rules state: "We will remove posts that are abusive, disruptive, or out of context."

I think the above statement would be more accurate if this was added "...unless we disagree with your assessment of the Ivory-bill evidence. In that case, if abusive posts are directed at you, we will allow or even encourage them".

A few weeks back, an abusive individual showed up on the BirdForum "Debate: Evidence for the Survival of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker". This individual stated that he saw "no reason to debate this woodpecker" and repeatedly posted off-topic ad hominem attacks.

On his blog, he wrote:
[BirdForum moderator KCFoggin, a believer] has no issues with me attacking Tom and Buck [my brother] because well she wrote "they deserve it for being so damn arrogant with those that wish to counter their opinions".
Even a pure "believer" joined in the criticism of KCFoggin's behavior:
I have to agree that the moderators need to step in here. I do not feel that Buck or Tom have really crossed any big lines here...[the above individual] has done nothing but used personal attacks. I don't understand why no action has been taken.
3. I eventually tired of the ad hominem attacks and took a break from BirdForum. Upon my return a few days ago, I found that without explanation, the administrators have banned me from posting!

Overall, I think this performance by the moderator(s) at BirdForum is nothing short of disgraceful.