He's just part of a number of teams out in the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge and eastern Arkansas looking for the bird, so why hasn't anyone got the pictures?
"I think there may be too many people searching for it," Harrison said. "This bird is extremely wary."
He's confident, though, that more and better evidence will come. Based on individual, unconfirmed reports from hikers and hunters, he said, ivory-billed woodpeckers are probably hiding out in Florida, South Carolina and elsewhere in the Southeast.
Santa’s Green Energy Crisis
1 hour ago
That is precious. "There may be too many people searching for it" That is the best comment of all time. This blog should have an all-time best quotes list and this one should be at the top of it.
At the same time that too many people are looking, the birds are everywhere "in the southeast". But the real problem is that Elvis is just shy.
We are in the silly season. Can we get the grown-ups back in charge of this thing? Please?!!
I don't think that there are too many people ... it is that there are too many highly educated people with advanced degrees wearing full real tree cammo.
The "skulky" and "wiley" IBWP can hear these people use words like "transect" and "protocol" and "compile" and "data" when it is used to hearing people in real tree head to toe cammo saying "son bring me another pack of cigarettes" and "holy son of a bitch" and "ya'll better just back the fuck off" ...
The bird can tell that things aren't right in the swamp.
Maybe if they got some good ol' boys to get back inthere with go devils and airboats and shit the birds would calm down and peck trees and double knock like normal.
They have tried science now it is time to "win the hearts and minds" of the IBWO.
Bobby Harrision said:"I think there may be too many people searching for it," Harrison said. "This bird is extremely wary"
Sounds like there might be a move on to cut the search group back to only those with a vested interest. With more & more searchers becoming part of the skeptics because of the lack of evendince, they themselfs are reponsible for producing more people who can see holes in this deal everyday.
Even their own troops seem to be a problem!
Isn't it odd that they can only find birds when there is no outside review of the work? Ever since this story went public they have gotten nothing. If I read the word "tantillizing" one more time I may regurgitate. For a few million dollars "tantillizing" is all they have?
Time to put "Bobby and Tim" (have you seen Harrison's wife's book!?!)back in the boat so the true believers can go back to the temple, and the bank.
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