Friday, March 31, 2006

Digging in, deeper and deeper

From the Louisiana Birding List today:
>Jackson’s Auk article is a sober assessment of the situation.
>Dan Purrington

Dan/LABIRD: before you put too much stock in
Jackson's article, note that that authors of the
original Science paper (including me) have a
separate paper in press in the next Auk that
dissects virtually every point made by Jackson.
The number of factual errors in Jackson's piece
is astonishing, and we wonder why the Auk did not
do at least some basic fact-checking before
publication. Further, its "conspiracy theory"
innuendos are offensive to all who took part in
the Arkansas search.
Van Remsen
najames AT
LSU Museum of Natural Science
Every attempted defense of their original colossal error is making things worse, much worse. This is truly painful to watch.


Anonymous said...

Vam Remsen
Is crimson
I am glad
He is mad
All my peeps
Hate you creeps
For you doubt
And you pout
While my friends
Make amends
For those years
When our peers
Saw bottomlands
In other hands
You are skeptic
Ulcer peptic
You do give me
Do you not see
Fitzpatrick’s article
Is Just a particle
Of all the proof
It’s not a goof
And Jackson’s piece
Not fit for geese
Much less an Auk
Yes I do squack
But it’s not Elvis
That I do promise


The True Believer

Anonymous said...

Once was a woodpecker proud,
The lord of all birds some proclaim.
To find him – not hard – he was loud
Too bad his big trees for profit were game

For lumber and mulch his trees went south,
Oologists took his last eggs to the zoo
To Cuba he fled – surviving hand to mouth.
Godless commies made Lord into stew.

So the Lord asked the rail how to be thin
From pootoo he learned to sit still
From wren he saw how to blend in
Content now to skulk and to chill.

Today in the swamp just like Yoda
Disproving the theory of Dawin
Gallagher, Lanneu have the data
But how could a scientist like Fitz be lyin’?

Anonymous said...

What is a bird called with no habitat?
Is he truly lost or just scardy cat?
Even Elvis has Graceland
But Lord Bird has no land
How can Skeptics rejoice at all that?


The TB