Thursday, March 16, 2006

National Geographic article

Here (the bold font is mine):
Fitzpatrick's team concludes that available data on wingspan and flight style does indeed indicate an ivory-billed woodpecker. The researchers also point out that the video was presented to the Arkansas Audubon Society, which voted unanimously to accept it as proof of the bird's existence.
"Nothing in the video is inconsistent with [a] pileated woodpecker, and many of our key points are not refuted by the Cornell team's response," Sibley said. "Therefore the video cannot be proof of the existence of [an ivory-bill]."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I have to hand it to you for a really good blog. You've done the issue great service. You've let new and better interpretations of the data immerge. You gave it a great push start and then let others contribute.

Science, real science, works best in the open. And you provided an open honest forum. Cornell could take a few lessons in openness from you.

Hat's off to you, buddy!