Friday, April 07, 2006

Oh, the suspense

Sharon Stiteler, volunteer IBWO searcher, writes about a conversation with Jim Fitzpatrick here.

Here's an excerpt:
Jen asked the inevitable question, "I suppose no one in your group had an encounter?" Jim and I looked at each other, what would the other say? Does he know something that I don't know about the search this winter? Do I know something that he might know? Does he think I know he knows something? Do I know, if he knows if he knows something? The questions in my head got too confusing and I told Jen our pat answer: "I am not at liberty to say if anyone in our group did or did not have an encounter with that particular species of woodpecker."


Anonymous said...

I guess none of us know the secret handshake either.

Anonymous said...

I just can't get over the idea that this group is operating under an NDA ... I guess on some logical level it makes sense. The research team doesn't want some maverick binocular salesman setting up some competing business selling tickes to see the woodpecker of "that species". Of course there is the rationale that shuts down any converstaion and sends sensible people scrambling for the full shaggy suit of camo ... the most important thing is the to SAVE THE BIRD.

The so called skeptics have used the term "groupthink" do describe how so many could be so wrong for so long. The believers laugh at the idea that they are deluded.

But self delusion is common to our species - almost a defining character selected for in the species - you don't have reach far to see examples.

A rationale (we will save the bird) can make the members of this secret and select group do almost anything ... like communism's aims were "bread and peace" for everyone - in this case everything is for the betterment of conservation and the survival of the IBWO - which is of course the most endangered thing in the universe.

Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin--faced a dilemma - not unlike Fitpatrick, Simon and Gallagher, . How can they bring about an age of peace and equality when they were confronted with opposition? How can the IBWO be saved when there are people out there who question the very existance of the IBWO? Lennis chose a brutal solution: root out and destroy the disenters.

Though Fitzpatrick does not have such brutal means at his disposal, his strategy is not dissimilar, and thought he says that he likes the "debate" his need to "destroy science" must be done to "save science" and the the "Lord God Bird".

Stalin silenced all opposition, and any words uttered against him became a rationale for incarceration, or worse. Though Jackson can't be sent to a "Gulag" people like him are afraid to speak too loudly or too publicly - just like the soviet citizens who lived in fear.

But then you think about the psy ops aspect of this "secretive" methodology - the older sr. male searchers with their battle scars and the younger attractive female interns needing guidance, hoping to advance in the ranks of wildlife reseach maybe go on to do their own reseach one day ...

It all seems so totally screwed up.

I just hope they come up with proof and prove me wrong.

I really want to be wrong ...

Anonymous said...

Is this about a bird or an "idea"?

Internal spying was rampant, voices of protest were squashed, and all organs of communication were tightly monitored. Ideas that were not officially sanctioned were dangerous, and those who held or published them risked threats, imprisonment, or worse. Newspapers and TV stations tirelessly promoted the doctrine, or were shut down. Individual ownership of data was strictly forbidden. In all aspects, an iron grip on the lives, ambitions, and even the thoughts of its members.

Anonymous said...

Did that guy above just call me a communist?


The TB

Anonymous said...

Oh you Skeptics! Here’s why all info from the patriotic search for the IBWO must be controlled.

1. American Ornithology’s reputation is at stake.

2. If we pull out now, there would be a vacuum filled by a flood of invading birders from outside the borders. What if they got their hands on the IBWO?

3. Only our leader, Dr. Fitzpatrick, has all the intelligence that we are not privy too. The information is classified with good reason! IBWO is in good hands.

4. No matter why we went into Arkansas in the beginning, we must now stay and finish the job or chaos will ensue and the IBWO will be harmed irreparably.


The TB

Anonymous said...

Only if you know the secret handshake TB, only if you know the handshake.

Anonymous said...

Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin--faced a dilemma - not unlike Fitpatrick, Simon and Gallagher, .

You forgot Hitler. You can't have a proper vilification without mentioning Hitler. It's in the handbook.

Anonymous said...

I love you guys but we must be getting bored again if we are talking about Hitler or Lenin on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Guess who REALLY WANTED to see an Ivory-bill?

Well, probably all of them, but guess who went the extra mile (into silliness - IMHO)?

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, you are right! Who brought the big shaggy dog?