Tuesday, June 20, 2006

"Millions of gates"

Here is a relevant Washington Post article on how traditional journalism is being disrupted by Web technology. A quote:
"The news, as 'lecture,' is giving way to the news as a 'conversation'."
I wonder how the Cornell "Ivory-bill" story would have played out if it was announced a dozen years ago. Back then, presumably people would have received a far greater proportion of their information from sources like Science, The New York Times, and Cornell road shows, and far less via "web" tools and sources (ie Google, blogs, message boards, email, etc).


Anonymous said...

Jay Rosen conveniently overlooks Talk Radio, the original gate buster in the 1980's and 1990's. Not talking about Rush Limbaugh, there were many others; Jerry Williams, David Brudnoy, Howie Carr in the New England area.

I am incredibly thankful for the Web and Talk Radio and their role in breaking down the NY Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, LA Times, CBS, monopoly.

Anonymous said...

I submit for evidence the Rosencrow video defense of the CLO website. It looks just like a REAL paper - the page formatting is splendid. But, alas, dear brothers and sisters, methinks it is just another round of not-peer-reviewed smoke and mirrors, the kind we have come to expect from America's Foremost Ornithological College (even BETTER than LSU).

As Barny Dunning (from Perdue) said, "Politics is fast, science is slow". I'd add... but the he web is fastest" to the end of that sage statement.

Anonymous said...

Prediction- Ivy's and Big Media will persist in their dominance. Surrounded by more noise, sure! But persist nevertheless.

Why, Humans (as the alien would say) need elite leaders and most importantly MONEY and POWER always but always find a way to usurp control.

Always have, always will. Already big corporations are looking to divide up the internet and sale the content. House of Reps just did pass that. Who's going to buy? You or Me. No, AT&T, Microsoft, Apple, etc.

We live in the time of Corporation acendancy. Get used to it. Even the alien will succumb.