Thursday, June 29, 2006

More on DNA testing

A paragraph from this Birdforum posting:
The IB team is called The Big Woods Conservation Partnership and is made up of quite a few entities. Four of the biggies are The Nature Conservancy, Cornell, Arkansas Fish and Game, and Audubon Arkansas. All those just mentioned where represented at the festival. As all who have been reading this thread know, the search wasn’t too successful. It must have been really disappointing to all who participated. They seemed like very down to earth people and were easy to approach and talk to. There wasn’t a whiff of high-falootin’ snobbery. They came across as earnest, and there certainly didn’t seem to be doubt on their end regarding the IB existence. I spoke briefly with Cornell’s Ron Rohrbaugh after the talk. I asked if they had found any feathers or droppings that could be dna’d. He said they had sent some feathers in, but they weren’t IBs. He said his mind was running along those lines and he’d even thought up an idea for a gizmo that would help with collecting. He was a nice guy, patient and soft spoken; I think he has the right personality for his profession. I wish the whole bunch good luck.
Here is a February '06 post on the same subject.


Anonymous said...

She was our moonshot
She could have said a lot
About Mary Scott
And that Sparling
The darling
And Bobby too
His story’s askew!
And Luneau
And his Tupelo
But no she took a pass
Instead she chose to harass
The Skeptics that remain anonymous
But this just seems synonomous
With blaming the victim
So take this as a dictum
“Peacock, you are a reporter!
Give those fraudsters no quarter!”
Because in the end
Truth is your friend
It’s a great equalizer
If you want that Pulitzer!

Anonymous said...

That was a good one, o'poet.

Meanwhile, re DNA from feathers or poop, if they ever try to pass something like that off then we'll have to demand independent testing by another lab and definitely get a carbon 14 date (which will undoubtedly reveal it to be pre-1940's). This bunch of fraudsters is capable of anything.....

Super Anon

Anonymous said...


Do you ever stop to wonder if this is peak of your career ... right here, right this second, where the skeptics asked you "why" and you said "I'm not looking for these droids, I have to produce for my wage" ...

They lionized, and fantasized (or was that limited to Kristina Baker?) ... then tantilized, but feeling scorn, did only then marginalize and poeticize.

It is not every day that one has a choice in life like in blackjack ... to stand pat or to ask for another card ... to be content with being famous among a bunch of jobless bloggers ... or to go on to be the one who broke the greatest conservation story ever told (see previous posts, and comments from super anon, for detailed plotline).

Sooner or later ... Hitt is going to write it anyway. .

Mucho amor,

The Carpinterio Rey-AL.

Anonymous said...

Photo of Fitzcrow's interview with Leslie Newell Peacock

Anonymous said...

Love’s Belabor’s the Lost, redux.

As was foretold, our tale of woe and high-mined crimes
Ne’er ends with our current actors or our rhymes
For surely those cloud capped towers of Ithaca’ s realm
(Home of the evil lord that keeps firm grip on helm)
Still doth hold firm grip to their beliefs as if swords
As stubbornly and boldly as Vikings from Danish fjords
But I digress. This tale is getting very wordy
And really it should be about things birdy

So exit right our fair maiden Birdchick
(we doth hope still for her a part in the Oliver Stone flick)
Enter stage left a humble new bird. A Peacock!
(Yes fair lads, our tale has characters chock-a-block)
Forsooth, our newest bird hath hair of golden flax
But be’ist unable to deal at all with the facts

She hath confused those who occupy bit parts
Who doth linger in shadows but hath all the smarts
With those who are knaves and fools
And come from frigid lands of Ivy schools
All the world is a stage but some remain anonymous
To confuse these players with Ithaca is ignoramus

Oh woe is us, ye readers, our tale remains tragedy
(Only aliens from other planets pronounce it comedy)
But hope springs eternal. As our hero now has a bounty
On his head. In at least one Arkansas county.
Can our Ivory Bill make a valiant stand?
Doth evil Ithaca have the buearcracies at its command?
Oh misadventures! How will yonder bird escape?
A life of pain and worse, a life of red tape

Our story continues…..?

Anonymous said...

They lionized, and fantasized (or was that limited to Kristina Baker?) ... then tantilized, but feeling scorn, did only then marginalize and poeticize.

All Leslie really wants to do is, baby, be friends with you.

Anonymous said...

Someone at Birdforum finally got some clear, unambiguous footage of an IBWO.

Whoda thunk the ultra-secretive bird had migrated all the way to Australia, or is it England? In any case, I think the video is better than Fishcrow's and Luneau's mashed together. Definitely contains more information than Luneau's.

Anonymous said...

Ivory Bill (Double) Rap

the boyz from CLO
they went lookin' thru the trees
they saw the Lord God
an' they fell upon their knees

Fishcrow he wuz so happy
the Birdchick wuz elated
the evidence is crappy
but "it ain't no Pileated"

Fitzpatrick grabbed the gold ring
and put it on his finger
he wuz lookin' for that fame thing
but it will not linger

they dumped on David Sibley
even tho' he is the master
they will dump on everybody
to save them from disaster

an' now we gotta' Peacock
who don't really wanna' know
she'll never make the big time
on the 60 Minutes show

back it up
back it up

back it up
back it up

back it up
back it up

...we wanna' know!