Sunday, July 30, 2006

James Gorman's "My Times" page

I just noticed that someone accessed my blog from here.

Some background information is here. An excerpt (this time, the bold font is NOT mine):
But the NYT is also playing its ace card: beyond-the-headlines expertise from its own journalists. A small number of staffers (26 at last count) have set up their own pages and are sharing their “sources” with other MyTimes users, who can bookmark and keep track of “My Journalists’ Pages.” This is in keeping with the over-the-top tagline: “My Times: Where the best minds in journalism help you edit the Web.” Users also can add the staffer sources to their own page. This doesn’t seem to work both ways. I’m told these are just a sample of the personalized staff pages; more will be added.


Anonymous said...


The carpinterio wishes to first congradulate you on your cameo in the first Ivory Bill film ... great to see you getting some of the media you deserve for blogging so many good hours on this "conservation story of the century".

I hope that we can have a better conversation with James Gorman than we did with leslie peacock.

If you can get James Gorman to come on the blog to take some questions from the growing group you have here that would be great.

I would like to ask James about his thoughts on whether this story is going to keep running as a "fitz said" "sibley said" story or will there be a moment when the story will change to "fitz laid and egg"? Why has the time been so willing to publish both opposing views of the video as "equal" when clearly sibley's analysis carries more weight and the fact that such a claim has been subject to such comprehensive critique been so much less important than the fanfare of the now solidly disputed discovery?

Why has the Times not interviewed Donald Kennedy ... why does it now accept quotes from Rorbaugh instead of Fitzcrow?

Anonymous said...

The NYT has some catching up to do as all of their IBWO pieces have been far inferior to John Crewdson's excellent Chicago Tribune article.

Anonymous said...

Good Senor Carp,

Fine Questions. Maybe Mr. Gorman will quit treating this as a He Said, She Said, when we help him to see it differently.

Why shouldn't he embrace the Equivalence and Ambiguity line ?: "The truly enlightened position is the one that views merits of the two partisan positions as roughly equivalent in persuasiveness. The actual status of the bird remains ambiguous"


Face it, the "where there's smoke there's fire folks" and the "where there's smoke there's smoke folks" both have good points. I must be doing something right if my reporting aggravates both sides. Both sides after all, are far more confident than they have any right to be.

It can be comfortable sitting on the fence when there are hungry boars in the pens on either side. Why jump in with us?

So, without getting bogged down in detail, and without advancing immediately to conclusions about the bird's status, why are the positions of believers and skeptics not "roughly equivalent"?

I should say that I think they are not equivalent. But how so... without getting buried in detail and fine points?


no cursing, please...

Anonymous said...

"The truly enlightened position is the one that views merits of the two partisan positions as roughly equivalent in persuasiveness."

There it is, James Gorman. There is your reason to question. Because the NYT either stands for nothing, as represented in the belief above, or it stands for something.

Otherwise, you might as well believe that Deepak Chopra can cure any disease you have, or that neocons know what they are doing in Iraq.

Neither has produced results. And neither has the Ivory-billed "rediscovery".

Anonymous said...

The Carpinterio appreciates the bullet point format of Methinks' bullet points.

brings me back to the good 'ol days when we were all about 33.3 before sibley went public.

James, ain't it great to have the blog-oose-phere on the beat?

Tom I'd love to see Methink's "Prayer to James Gorman" promoted to a blog entry so it runs as an official "letter from a skeptic" since your blog entries are on his MYpage ... it might be a good read for him.

(see Richard Dawkin's essay by the same name to his 10 yr. old daughter in his book "the devils chaplin")

nice summary methinks ...

The carpinterio Ray al.
