Friday, July 07, 2006

Odd story

An excerpt from this article:
Even though I respect both Mr. Sibley and Mr. Kaufman, I would like to view the tapes and then judge for myself. So would thousands, possibly millions, of birders and non-birders alike.


Anonymous said...

That's like me saying, "I know the experts say that this is a phony Monet, but I'd like to form my own opinion"

Not that they don't make mistakes, but experts are EXPERTS for a reason. Years of experience and study. Discounting the importance of expert commentary is ridiculous.

BTW, glad my post of Fitzmoustache pecker got some more play. I didn't create it, I just posted the link (badly, I might add....I should have used

Anonymous said...

When I first saw the reference to the Fitzmoustache it was still hilarious even "sight unseen."

Re the topic of making up one's own mind, I believe that it is a serious problem that many people who are aware of this whole saga just accept Cornell's version at face value and never have actually taken the time to really scrutinize the video and related analyses. For example, I'm aware from personal experience of a sizable number of "conversions" to skepticism of "believers" and/or "neutrals" when someone actually takes the time to walk people through the video and various pro and con supporting data.

Which begs the question: when are some prominent skeptics going to get out there and hit the lecture circuit?

Anonymous said...

The carpinterio isn't trying to blow anyone's cover here, but this first post is unsettling ...

are you saying that you only linked to the fitzmustache bird? you did not create it?

Does Tom Nelson know who created it?

Anonymous said...

Creation is still a mystery. I linked. I did not create.
