An excerpt:
We have a spiffy new illustration of an Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, so we have recreated two of our most popular designs with the new image: I BELIEVE and I WANT TO BELIEVE. Suggested by the Ivory-bills LiVE blog, we have also added three new slogans: I’m Wild About Ivory-bills, My Ivory-bill is smarter than your skeptic and BACK FROM THE BRINK.
At the same time, we have discontinued our I DON’T BELIEVE design. This one didn’t reflect our own personal feelings on this subject, so we weren’t happy having it in our store (this one was suggested by commentors on the Ivory-bill Skeptic blog). This one also didn’t sell. Seems like skeptics are cheaper than believers…
To be honest, we are not deeply following this saga. We do follow bird and birding-related news in general though, and this just seems like a great story...
Is there a subset of belivers who hold that the Ivory Bill is indeed "back from the brink".
"Also, in order to not to be too biased on the believer side, our remaining inventories of 'Found!' T-shirts have been altered with a red slash through the 'FOUND!' followed by 'Oops, never mind!'- this has been a hot item for the skeptic market. Get 'em while supplies last."
"Seems like skeptics are cheaper than believers…"
No surprise.
Believer = Republican = $$$
Notice the graphic at the top of Servopuff's Ivory-billed t-shirt page. One of the shirts up there says "YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!" Pretty ironic.
"Believer = Republican = $$$"
Ladies and Gentlemen;
The ironic aspect of this fiasco is that "The Believers" are not Republicans. I will swear to you; they are more liberal and progressive than any of us skeptics.
This is about ideology and belief and you don't have to be a Republican to follow ideologies. Progressivism is an ideology.
The other falsehood is about wealth and Republicans. The Democrat Party is losing the working class and the middle class because of this ideology. The Republicans are gaining. The Democrat Party is now skewered to Academics, Unions, Entitlement Programs Receivers and Givers, and wealthy elites. You believe the Republicans win becasue the People it's more because the Democrat Party doesn't represent their interests anymore. They ain't dumbos.
Nate Lamont is today's classic wealthy liberal. He ain't alone.
"Believer = Republican = $$$" ... pretty funny, but my believer friends are all liberal Democrats, to a one. The only believer who changed his mind when shown evidence was a Republican! He still believes in God, so he can be fooled.
Also, the Republicans give MUCH more of their paychecks to charities than do Democrats. I'll be most of it is to churches and Ducks Unlimited, however!
I'm none of the above, BTW.
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