Friday, September 01, 2006

Ivory-bill stamps still available!

...but you may need to act quickly.

From "" here:
NOTE: All lowest available limited edition print numbers will be assigned to the earliest orders. So, if you want a low print number, order NOW! With an estimated 70 million people considering themselves to be "Birders" and tremendous positive reaction to this beautiful design, overwhelming demand is anticipated. A complete sell-out of all editions is expected. Special edition prints will go FAST and may become sold out at any time due to low supply.


Anonymous said...

Two lines from Lewis Carroll's "Gardener's Song" come to mind...

He thought he saw an Albatross
That fluttered round the lamp:
He looked again, and found it was
A Penny-Postage Stamp.

He thought he saw a Argument
That proved he was the Pope:
He looked again, and found it was
A Bar of Mottled Soap.

The possibilities these lines present to thoughtful readers speak for themselves.

I guess I had Carroll on the mind because of Tom's recent post titled, "Ivory-bills tomorrow, but never Ivory-bills today?" Perhaps you'll remember that the Red Queen had promised to Alice jam every other day. That's jam yesterday and jam tomorrow... but never jam today...because today isn't any other day.


Anonymous said...

but of the prominent ones who over time set the agenda, preached extinction, and prejudiced the birding majority

Hey, isn't he saying that the birding majority are now Skeptics?

We've made progress!!! WHooooHoooo!

Anonymous said...


Cyberman doesn't want us to have it both ways. Sneering at the bogus proof and accepting real proof.

But he wants to have it both ways. Toilet or "never mind".

Well, Mr. Cyber if you are that insecure why do you even bother? Please! Take a stand. Which is it? Are they Ivory Bills Live or Ivory Bills Dead? Why are you on the fence?

We thought you had proof comin within the month? Not so sure now? Are you backing off?

Anonymous said...

I recently bought the ivory-billed mug at the CLO. Very nice mug. Well done.

Will provide me with many years of hilarious memories.

Or this whole fiasco may be still going on in 10 years, and it will remind me each morning to check Tom Nelson's blog for the latest.

Either way, not bad for 9 bucks.

Anonymous said...

Is that a painting of a real ivory bill woodpecker or a wooden model of an ivory bill?

Anonymous said...

From "naples" on BirdForum...

What, Jackson and others did, DID, damage the conservation effort in AK and over what, ego and reputation.

Now he has the support of that other blog, and you.

Congratulations, Tom. You're now "that other blog". Is that anything like the other white meat?

Anonymous said...

Think of it this way. All those nails have popped out of the coffin and we get to pound them in again.


Anonymous said...

I've been watching that bird for an hour, and it still hasn't flapped it's wings.