RANT: For the naysayers who sneer at every claim that the fabled ivory-billed woodpecker may not be extinct, despite the efforts of a team led by an Auburn University ornithologist that has found many indications that the magnificent bird is living in the Choctawhatchee River basin in Florida. Photographic evidence is still lacking, but Geoff Hill and his team have made more than a dozen sightings and recorded hundreds of distinct sounds associated only with the bird. Hill is highly regarded in the ornithological community, so we're betting the photographic evidence will be forthcoming soon, even with all the obstacles to obtaining it.2. Another offering from Cyberthrush here.
3. Mennill's CLO connection:
Dan conducted post-doctoral research in the Lab of Ornithology at Cornell University and in the Department of Biological Sciences at Auburn University.
I just keep thinking that Hillcrow et al can't be this innocently clueless.
So, if they are "playing dumb" on the quality of their evidence, then could they be playing dumb on it's effects?
Could it be that it IS all about the Airport?
My impression is that Dr. Hillcrow really is nice, innocent, and clueless. I don't think he had any idea how evil, worldly, and perspicacious we skeptics really are.
Many TB readers seem to have been educated in the Deep South and for your benefit I'll point out that perspicacious does not mean sweaty.
If Dr. Hillcrow hasn't met any birders better than Tyler Hicks then he mustn't get out much and may honestly never have heard of the airport.
Yer dern right, Aetheist!
Wait a minute... educated? Deep South? Sort of one of them oxymorons, ain't it?
Bad Sweaty Southern Birder
Hey this 50% TB is northern, ivy-educated, but Cornell-reject.
Speak with no accent. Ya hear?
Hate Cornell, don't like their Kent calls. But these guys from Auburn, they're sweet-sounding, innocent, don't claim proof...
Like we really need another airport anyway. And I like a few of their Kent calls. Cornell's are Blue-Jay derivatives. Interesting to see if there will be sonograms. A lot of static on their recordings...
Paul in Upstate NY
"Many TB readers seem to have been educated in the Deep South "
Not sure about that, but their leader is from the Deep North. That's a fact.
Man, I hope they have laptops and broadband down in Veracruz. We need some good reports from down there!
Veracruz is the steamy port city of Eastern Mexico. You sceptics are really missing out on the fancy digs, lovely old buildings, beautiful seaport, and the deep lowing of ships in the night.
You can be quite sure they'll have broadband! This is where the well-off Mexicans take their vacations in lovely 3-star $7.00 a night old hotels. Crime is relatively low here... there are a few American hotels with prices 10 to 12 times higher. Don't drink the water unless it's bottled.
Don't trust any food away from American hotels unless it arrives on your plate already steaming.
Be sure to be ready to tip, including tipping police officers!
Paul in upstate NY
I'm a Deep South TB, very likely more well-read and worldly than most any geekballs in the birding community.
Fitzpatrick and the CLO are definitely not my leaders. In fact, I wish they would drag their yankee asses back home. And their "crack" birding boys, hah, what a joke!
However, they are welcome to keep raising and sending money.
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