Sunday, October 15, 2006

List of extinct birds


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In all fairness, you should post this list of Animals NO LONGER EXTINCT from a link from the same web site you posted -- Surprise, surprise ... The IBWO still Lives!

No longer considered extinct
See Lazarus species

Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae.
Coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, captured December 21, 1938,
thought to be a Rock Cod, but known to native peoples in Indonesia and other locations

Ivory-billed Woodpecker, reported in 2005 in Arkansas

Cuban Solenodon, thought to have been extinct until a live specimen was found in 2003

Forest Owlet

Woolly Flying Squirrel

Golden Bamboo Lemur

Gilbert's Potoroo, extremely rare

Australian mammal presumed extinct from 1800s until 1994

Night Parrot, extremely rare Australian bird presumed extinct from 1880s until 1990

New Holland Mouse, extremely rare Australian mammal assumed extinct from early 1800s until 1967 [1]

South Australian Tamar Wallaby subspecies, presumed extinct from 1925 until genetically matched with imported species in New
Zealand in 1998 [2]

Lophura edwardii, a Vietnamese pheasant presumed extinct from 1928 was rediscovered in 1998

New Zealand Southern Right whale subspecies, though extinct until 1998