Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Some pictures

1. Some eyewitness sketches (showing multiple fieldmarks) are here.

Some strangely familiar wording is found here. Scroll to the bottom and check out the "reasons for all the failures".

2. On Birdforum, Docmartin finds an Ivory-bill on a grassy knoll in Dallas.

Update: it looks like Docmartin's post (above) has now been deleted.


Anonymous said...

But, Tom, really, the body of evidence as a whole indicates they are there. Come on! It's good to read Teddy Roosevelt again about it not being the critic that counts, but the doer of deeds (David Luneau tried that one too in a period of despair). And anyone can see through Docmartin's fabrication; the zoom is too good for a 10x bicubic zoom of the grassy knoll.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the TBRC won't take lessons from the TBRC when more "sightings" turn up in the Big Thicket.

Texas Bigfoot Research Center
Texas Bird Records Committee

Anonymous said...

The Carpenterio reminds me perhaps Auburn is not a "gift of god" to Fitzcrow.

Carpenterio says "But it got me thinking CLO can activate its alums remotely ... so mennill is like a manchurian - it wasn't a gift from god ... fitzcrow made his own luck."

The beauty of this argument is that it only requires Fitzcrow to be the conniving butt-coverer. We all know that Hillcrow, Mennill, and the Auburn undergrads are clueless. The perfect Manchurian candidates.

Perhaps the Carpenterio has blundered into the truth once again.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm one of the few to remember Kennedy's assassination but making a joke out of a photo of his dead body. However maybe the Cuba embargo can be blamed for the IBWO Bairdii extinction.
We might have gotten scientists in there in a timely basis to save
the Cuban IBWO in the 60s.
Unless you choose to doubt that Lester Short ever saw them in 1987.
Hey where are his photos?
Or the photos from the final sighting(s) in 1988? Short was/is
a pretty big hitter in the woodpecker world.
Could you blame Kennedy for the IBWO extinction. Or Castro for the Kennedy extinction? What role did Canada play or fail to play?
Boy this gets contorted!

Paul in New Paltz, NY

Anonymous said...

The Bigfoot link has an awesome quote

"...if the skeptics are right and there is no such creature as Bigfoot, then it is a fact that thousands of Americans and Canadians are either prone to hallucinations, or compulsive liars, or unable to recognize bears, deer and vagrants." - Janet Bord

Yes, it is a fact.

And that helps explain a lot of other strange claims that human beings in Canada and the United States have made throughout recorded history.

Anonymous said...

Living IBWOs are rare and local even for an imaginary creature. Angels are far more commonly seen and bigfoot has a far wider distribution.

I suspect that either of the TBRCs could do a better job than Science.

Anonymous said...

"Unless you choose to doubt that Lester Short ever saw them in 1987"

If Mr. Short had come back from Cuba and said he say a brief 3 sec IBWO then people might have questioned.

Anonymous said...

Those links don't take me to any posts (birdforum and grassy knoll).

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Bigfoot. We want more evidence of Bigdopes. There must be 1000's of them, scattered about every state. What's their preferred habitat? When they see things, do they always cry? When do they molt their ghillies? Do they dream real things? What's their vocal flap-rate? Why do they use binoculars or take notes? What do they eat beside each other's bologna? When they hear things, do they hear double? Why do they seek large cavities? -to interbreed? Do Bigdopes occur in BigClusters? Do they prefer old journals or new journals? How many are albino? Let's hope they don't go extinct before the Ivory-bills.

Anonymous said...

I was searching for information about eskimo curlews and came across these two links. If true, it is amazing what some people might do to have the last offical sighting or picture of an extinct bird.

Anonymous said...

If true, it is amazing what some people might do to have the last offical sighting or picture of an extinct bird.

Not amazing when you consider what some people might do to get $5,000 (or less).

Eating raw horse intestine on national TV comes to mind, e.g., ...