Monday, December 04, 2006

An error-ridden article



Anonymous said...

It's amazing how one hard earned reputation after another crashes so freely against the shoals of this Ivory Bill fiasco.

I guess it was only a matter of time until the RO Wauer reputation did.

It looks survivable though. Just put it in reverse and back off the rocks and never ever go there again!

Anonymous said...

Why is most of this country's evironmental movement so clueless? Is it so necessary to believe in the impossible in order to be a member? Are those attracted to the movement mostly right-brained individuals?

Where are the left-brained people? Are they Skeptics?

Anonymous said...

"Why is most of this country's evironmental movement so clueless?"

I wasn't the one that misspelled eNvironmental.

But seriously, what are you talking about. The enivornmental community is composed of skeptics and believers on the IBWO issue, just like every other community.

Anonymous said...

1930s and 1940s. Since then, the numerous sightings have been undocumented. The exception is from the Texas Big Thicket area along Village Creek in Hardin County in 1968; tape recordings were reanalyzed following the Arkansas reports that now are considered valid.

Sure. And Uri Geller's psychic abilities remain "unexplained" by science.

Who exactly considers the 1968 tape recordings to be "valid proof" of the IBWO's continued existance at that time? Who?

Can they explain how they arrived at this conclusion?

Perhaps the author of this propaganda piece can fill in the missing information for us.

Anonymous said...

But seriously, what are you talking about. The enivornmental community is composed of skeptics and believers on the IBWO issue, just like every other community.

Ok, but not their leaders. All the orgs are steadfastly staying on the side of the believers.

And what about that whole left/right brain thingy? I'm clearly on to something there, right?

Anonymous said...

And what about that whole left/right brain thingy? I'm clearly on to something there, right?

You clearly are onto something and it would appear that human societies are made up of people who will believe most anything they are told (which in the past made for cohesive societies but now just allows advertisers to manipulate the hell out of the populace) and a smaller subset of individuals who questioned things much more. Depending on the time period the latter were considered hereitics, iconoclasts, poorly socialized or skeptics.

This is why you cannot talk a TB out of their belief. If they acknowledged that one of the pillars of their beliefs was a sham, they would have to address the entire range of inconsistencies they have been ignoring in exchange for a more ordered existence.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that Wauer is aware of how soundly the evidence has been debunked, and can otherwise accept his article as a paean to the wonders that are Texas.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the article off by a year?

It was February 2005 when birders, floating the Cache River in eastern Arkansas, saw what they reported as an ivory-billed woodpecker. ... There followed a 13-month survey by approximately 50 people that centered on Arkansas' Mississippi Delta.


Anonymous said...

I doubt that Wauer is aware of how soundly the evidence has been debunked

Then why is he writing on a topic that he knows nothing about?

Anonymous said...

"I wasn't the one that misspelled eNvironmental" - ibwo agnostic

"The enivornmental community" - ibwo agnostic

You were the one who misspelled eNVIROnmental, in any even more creative way.