"What else accounts for the glee some have exhibited in their denigration of Cornell the institution,"
A clarification: he should have said Cornell Lab of Ornithology the institution. The many critical thinking biologists on the Cornell campus should not be held responsible for absurdities perpetuated by the CLO from their church out in Sapsucker Woods.
RTP said.. so that your record, if valid, may be confirmed
"Confirmed" is all that most skeptics are asking for. The TBs continue to try to "confirm" using flimsy evidence and inference, but there is a standard of evidence that will convince virtually everybody. It just hasn't been met. The evidence presented to date isn't even close.
And on a slightly related note, the April ABA Convention in La. will include a talk by David Sibley entitled "The Psychology of Bird identification"...
Now whadd'ya s'pose brought that on?
Cyber doesn't seem to know that Sibley covered this topic in his birding basics book. He also doesn't seem to understand that this topic was being discussed at least as long ago as the 80s.
So maybe Sibley is presenting this because realizes that many people new to birding (and many who should know better) don't know about it or understand it.
"What else accounts for the glee some have exhibited in their denigration of Cornell the institution,"
A clarification: he should have said Cornell Lab of Ornithology the institution. The many critical thinking biologists on the Cornell campus should not be held responsible for absurdities perpetuated by the CLO from their church out in Sapsucker Woods.
Cyberthrush on RTP
Notice the even-handedness and open-mindedness of these words; essentials of a REAL scientific attitude,
Notice how RTP said the report should be validated.
Notice how the report was never validated.
Notice how Cyberthrush ignores that fact.
RTP said.. so that your record, if valid, may be confirmed
"Confirmed" is all that most skeptics are asking for. The TBs continue to try to "confirm" using flimsy evidence and inference, but there is a standard of evidence that will convince virtually everybody. It just hasn't been met. The evidence presented to date isn't even close.
And on a slightly related note, the April ABA Convention in La. will include a talk by David Sibley entitled "The Psychology of Bird identification"...
Now whadd'ya s'pose brought that on?
Cyber doesn't seem to know that Sibley covered this topic in his birding basics book. He also doesn't seem to understand that this topic was being discussed at least as long ago as the 80s.
So maybe Sibley is presenting this because realizes that many people new to birding (and many who should know better) don't know about it or understand it.
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