Here's a paragraph from Fishcrow:
I realize that most of you don't care or don't
believe, but the survival of the Ivory-billed
Woodpecker is hanging in the balance. There are at
least two pairs in the Choctawhatchee, but there is
virtually no chance that they will nest this year due
to disturbances caused by searchers who are trying to
get a photo to satisfy the skeptics. It's an outrage
that this is happening to such a critically endangered
and magnificent species.
Compare these two quotes from Geoff Hill's updates: (
7th Jan.
"Having a larger search crew is making all the difference. We are able to locate and track these birds now."
19th Feb.
"We worry that our presence in the forest has caused ivorybills to use our study area less, but we are maintaining a relatively light presence in the forest."
This is getting crazier and crazier. Come on folks, do you really think birders are more intrusive than the hunters/fishers/jet-skiers that have been using the place for decades?
Interesting to note also that Fishcrow now seems to have upgraded his possible sighting of a pair in Florida to a definite....
"It's an outrage that this is happening to such a ...magnificent species."
Finally something that Fishcrow and I can agree on.
More complete and utter bollocks from Mike Collins.
That man shouldn't be let anywhere near an endangered species.
He'll be blaming Pileated Woodpeckers for the IBWOs demise soon.
Interesting to note also that Fishcrow now seems to have upgraded his possible sighting of a pair in Florida to a definite....
If you've read his site since the beginning, he's upgraded other possible sightings, too.
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