Wednesday, April 04, 2007

No bestseller for Hill

A reader pointed out that Geoff Hill's book "Ivorybill Hunters" is currently ranked #284,824 on

An excerpt from a related link entitled "What Amazon Sales Ranks Mean":
Read an average rank of 1,000 to mean you have a seriously successful title, an average rank of 10,000 to mean your doing pretty good for a book that's no bestseller, an average rank of 100,000 to mean it's not going to contribute significantly to your income, and an average rank of 1,000,000 to mean you only need to check a couple times a year to computer the average rank.
I know that the Amazon rankings can and do vary quickly, but it seems clear that Hill's book won't sell anything like the "Grail Bird" (which, I'm told, had a sales rank in the 500 range at one time).

In my opinion, the lack of enthusiasm for Hill's book is another indication that the most recent Ivory-bill hysteria is ebbing away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's too bad. Because I do know that Hillcrow's book is the most laughingly hysterical.