Wednesday, May 23, 2007

"Airport progress delayed"



Anonymous said...

That damned Ivory-billed! Foiled again!

Anonymous said...

Wait, so if this airport does go in then Team Sapsucker can fly in on their donated corporate jet and get the IBWO for their next Big Day. Shouldn't we all be in favor of the airport for that reason?

And how in the world could they determine the airport would have no impact on IBWO?
How can you determine that an airport which currently doesn't exist will have no impact on a species that currently doesn't exist? Doesn't that combination produce some sort of environmental double-negative that would take philosophers (and not the Army Corps) to figure out?

Anonymous said...

"get the IBWO for their next Big Day"

Don't heard only birds count? If so, they should be able to find IBWOs anywhere with Blue Jays, nuthatches, fawns, or gunshots.