Saturday, June 09, 2007

The solution: unmanned aircraft systems?



Anonymous said...

Now they're coming down the home stretch toward complete insanity.
Hot-air balloons and ship-launched unmanned aircraft systems should do the trick. A few silent helicopters. Maybe a few mid-air collisions, but it has promise.

We have reached crisis stage. These guys need intervention. Quick. It's time for some tough love.

Anonymous said...

How quaint it will be if they document their glimpse from a hot air balloon with a painting.

You have to concede they have a point about going the unmanned route. What they really need is a remote-operated, silent, life-sized, flying IBWO model equipped with a helmet cam.

Anonymous said...

The strategy of the TB is to create a list of methodologies that "havent been tried" so the failure to find the IBWO can be blamed on lack of effort (rather than extinction).

Has anyone used a hot air balloon to search for triceratops recently? No? Well, then, people must not want to find a living triceratops very badly.

This qualifies as logic in the world of the True Believer.

Anonymous said...

’Bigfoot’ sightings in India
By Zarir Hussain

TURA, India - Authorities in India are to investigate claims by terrified villagers that "bigfoot"-type hairy giants are roaming the jungles of the remote northeast, a local official said.

The creatures have apparently been spoken of, and occasionally spotted, for years, but a rise in the number of sightings over the past month has prompted authorities to look into the matter further.

Villagers have dubbed the mysterious creatures "Mande Burung" - or Jungle Man

I love this news article since the second paragraph could have come from any 2005 article on the IBWO.
And I think that authorities everywhere need to be wary of stories from emotional locals be they villagers or kayakers.

I was disappointed that "Mande Burung" didn't translate to "Lord God Primate" but at least most of the related stories about the Indian "bigfoot" mention that it is clearly a ploy to attract tourists. Too bad the TNC Arkansas people could not have been as honest.

Anonymous said...

We have reached crisis stage. These guys need intervention

The boycott of Hillcrow's talk is an intervention. It's overseen by our very own Mr. Goatee.