Subject: Local Guy Who Searched for Ivory-bills
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 22:36:57 -0700
Hello, since I am a local guy who spent 2 stints searching for Ivory-billed Woodpeckers, I figured I owed at least a brief synopsis.
In 2006 I was in Arkansas, at the heart of things. I found the white Pileated that got press.
I heard exceedingly interesting "kent" calls.
In 2007 I was in the Congaree in South Carolina, perhaps the most hopeful spot of all for the Ivory-bill's continued existence.
I found hugely "interesting cavities".
Long story short.... I searched hard all day, everyday. I have immersed myself in Ivory-billed literature, I have absorbed everything I could while privy to the confidential information; I believe a horrible mistake has been made.
The "proof" video to me quite, quite obviously shows a Pileated.
I will continue to search my heart out, but I have no confidence at all that the Ivory-billed Woodpecker persists in North America.
I was so excited. The opposite is true now.
Coldest Inauguration Ever?
41 minutes ago
The TBs are beginning to emerge
from their Cornell induced stupor.
About the only thing left to see is if Fitzpatrick will be saluting on the stern when the sinking "USS Ivory-bill Found!!!" sinks beneath the waves.
Wow, that was quite a letter. I wouldn't mind hearing his long story!
Of course, the most interesting thing is to hear more about how someone who was so invested in the search for the ivory-billed woodpecker can process the data and conclude that the bird was never there.
Hello, Even when In Arkansas for the 2 weeks in 2005, several of us on the team were exceedingly skeptical. So there has been no lingering stupor on my part.
As far as being so invested, processing the data and concluding the bird was never there......
what data? I think once you conclude the bird in the video is a Pileated, there isn't too much left.
I guess I forgot to mention I just did two 2 week gigs; so not too invested.
I'd go again though, as I love being out all day wandering around looking for birds. If an Ivory-bill would pass by, I'd certainly make a note of it:o) Keith
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