Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"Geoff Hill's Talk in NYC"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where to start?

He dismissed the notion that the recorded kent calls were deer bleats and repeated that "somebody's got to give me an explanation" before he'll accept the claim that the sounds come from something other than an IBWO.

In other words, he's made up his mind and that's that. He's never matched a sound to an actual bird, but he KNOWS what they are. How very scientific.

He stated that he thinks that the three birds in the now-famous remote cam photo are IBWOs but recognizes that the photo is inconclusive.

That's as loopy as it gets, short of calling the photo conclusive. Did Tyler concur with that? It would certainly tell us a lot about Tyler if he did.

He went on to discuss his evidence, beginning by saying (to paraphrase) we have enough to say there's no rational explanation other than IBWO, ...

Depends upon your definition of "rational".

...though he's certainly open to hearing any that can be advanced.

I doubt it very seriously.