Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Two more searchers to speak

1. Wayne Meyer will speak in Texas on September 8. Details here.

Here's part of Meyer's response to that recent Birding photo quiz:
Obviously, given the location, the hope is that these birds are Ivory-billed Woodpeckers. I was involved in the Arkansas search in February 2007 and heard a double-rap, so I don’t doubt the existence of this species. However, this photograph seems to me to be of three European Starlings. The elongated body and stiff, pointy wings are good for Ivory-billed Woodpecker, but there is no reference for size here...
2. John Ruthven is scheduled to speak on September 11 in Ohio:
National Medal of Arts recipient John A. Ruthven shares his journey in recording the elusive ivory billed woodpecker.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Wayne Meyer, associate professor of biology at Austin College

Apparently Dr. Meyer can't read or he'd know that "double raps" heard in the woods are uniquely indicative of precisely nothing.

Anonymous said...

I heard a double rap in my yard near Baton Rouge. So, I guess I must have IBWO in my neighborhood.... I'm going to ask for a few million dollars to preserve my habitat.